Clinic Grade cleaning for Dental Appliances

Dissolvable dental appliance cleaning tablets effective at killing germs and busting through build-up in a single use.

Available at selected retailers and direct online

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Wake up to a cleaner smile

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Removes 99% of Odor-Causing Bacteria*

Just because we get morning breath doesn't mean our dental appliances have to! Our cleanser kills and removes 99.9% of odour causing germs and bacteria.

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Quickly remove tough stains and build up

Stuck with that yellow foggy tint on your dental appliance? Our cleanser is designed to bust through it all and have yours looking like new!

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Increase longevity of your dental appliance

Brushing or scrubbing your cleaner wears down your dental appliance and makes it more suspectable to staining! Our cleanser is gentle yet effective in cleaning.

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Suitable to most common dental appliances

Our cleaner is effective across a range of common dental appliances from nightguards, retainers and dentures plus more.


Dentamac Retainer Cleaner


Recommended by dental clinics across Australia

The only deep cleaning product you need for your dental appliance.

Remove stubborn stains, bad smell and plaque with Dentamac's Top Rated Cleaning Tablets designed to keep your dentures fresh and clean.

  • Eliminate 99.9% of odor causing bacteria
  • Removes stains and build up
  • Effective and non abrasive
  • Compatible with most dentals appliances

Available at selected retailers or direct online

Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
Retainer Cleaner Tablets - Mint
How it works

4 Steps To Clean


Dissolve one Dentamac Retainer Cleaner tablet in a cup of warm water.


Place the dental appliance into water.


Soak for 15 minutes. Tougher stains may require an overnight soak.


Rinse dental appliance under running water and dry before use.

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Recommended by Dental Clinics

Looking to become the next retailer to stock Dentamac in-store or online? Reach out to us and a friendly representative will get in touch with your business shortly.


"keeps my Nightguard like new!"


Grace osan

I've been using Dentamac cleaning tablets for the past 6 months and these have been the best thing for my nightguard. Keeps my nightguard like new and also helps curb any morning breath! 🥰


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